Gilda Basbaum

Galleria D'Arte Ítalo-Brasiliana

Ano: 1985
Exposição: Individual
Evento: Galleria D'Arte Ítalo-Brasiliana
Local: Centro Culturale Ítalo-Brasiliano
Milão - Itália

Galleria D'Arte Ítalo-Brasiliana do Centro "Culturale Ítalo-Brasiliano" Milão - Itália, Via Aurelio Saffi 20.
Participou do "Programa de Difusão Cultural no Consulado Brasileiro.

Convite Galleria D'Arte Ítalo-Brasiliana

A Handful of Brazil

Nobody has more right than Gilda to deal with color and light, because besides being Brazilian, she was born in Bahia.
Gilda’s work exercises the geometric fascination of the Brazilian climate of Rio de Janeiro.
If this text has a certain romantic style, it is because I do not want to deny the critics the pleasure to write about and discuss Gilda’s work.
She takes “Brazilian handful” to Milan, which inevitably re-encounters, through the necessity of rupturing traditional supports  and surface alterations the movement begun by the distinguished master artist, Lucio Fontana.
Roberto Moriconi (sculptor)
The commentary was written for the individual exhibit which featured Gilda Basbaum’s works at the “Galleria D’Arte Italo-Brasiliano” in Milan, Italy during October of 1985.